Tai Yeh Security Inc.
We provide many years of experience and Japanese style services in the field of security. We specialize in servicing luxury apartment, commercial building, science park, and department store and integrate our guards with new surveillance system. Tai Yeh is flexible as it caters customers’ needs and finds service that is most appropriate. We take pride in patrolling regularly by our guards as regulated and dealing with accidents and natural disasters. Supervisors would regularly provide training for onsite guards and check their performances.
- Registered Capital:40 million NTD
- Obtained license on 9/1/1993
- Approved and established on 9/22/1993
- Main Business:Security
Door Control
- Guests signup
- Vehicle access control
- Materials/packages inspection
- Emergency backup dispatched reporting
Patrol and Monitor
- Central control room
- Facilities inspection
- Patrolling in restrictive areas
- Fire and crimin
Natural disaster Management
- Disaster prevention plan
- Routine drill
- Disaster prevention measures
- Recovery measures
Parking Management Service
- Parking lot planning
- Parking fee collection
- Vehicle control
- Parking structure’s cleaning and security